Exhibitions Calendar
Drink & Draw: Movement
Join us for these informal untutored drawing sessions, suitable for all ages and abilities. Grab a drink from the bar, bring your own sketchbook/paper and pencils and join us in the Stables Gallery in the courtyard at The Halford Bridge Inn…
Drink & Draw: People
Join us for these informal untutored drawing sessions, suitable for all ages and abilities. Grab a drink from the bar, bring your own sketchbook/paper and pencils and join us in the Stables Gallery in the courtyard at The Halford Bridge Inn…
Drink & Draw: Glass
Join us for these informal untutored drawing sessions, suitable for all ages and abilities. Grab a drink from the bar, bring your own sketchbook/paper and pencils and join us in the Stables Gallery in the courtyard at The Halford Bridge Inn…
Workshop: Talk and Ink Sketching with Elaine Almond
Learn about Elaine's inspiration for abstract art and the techniques used in this exhibition 'Free to Roam'. Try your hand at ink sketching (your favourite place?) with twigs, pens and brushes in a workshop after. No photos necessary - your memory is fine!