Come & experience the healing powers of sound with Sarah Stephenson - Seraphina Sound.
Sarah is a professional classical pianist, vocal coach and Sound Healing Practitioner, as well as tutor for the College of Sound Healing. She has been delivering Sound Baths for Pure for several years now and they are always very popular.
Sound Healing is a form of energy healing using sound and vibration to bring the body back into balance and alignment. It uses sound and music as a therapeutic tool, and is a safe, simple and non-invasive way to treat pain and illness.
Benefits of sound healing:
achieve a state of deep relaxation, balance and calm
clears energetic blocks and stuck energy
reduces stress, anxiety and depression, increasing peace, joy & harmony
relieves physical, mental & emotional tension, balancing the nervous system
increases energy, clarity and focus
brings a renewed sense of purpose and wellbeing
accompanies spiritual processes and life changes
stimulates intuition and helps expand consciousness
This event is open to non-members. Booking essential.
Please bring along your own mat, blanket and cushion to create your own comfortable space. Water will be available.